The Mandaean Association Of Australia
Our Vision
A flourishing diverse community aspiring to achieve unity through our faith , integrity and values in services to Mandaean’s within Australian society.
Our Faith
A flourishing diverse community aspiring to achieve unity through our faith , integrity and values in services to Mandaean’s within Australian society.
Our History
Mandaeans revere Adam, Noah and John the Baptist as major prophets, place great importance on flowing water as a source of life, and live a life guided by principles of peace, non-violence and compassion. .
Our Causes
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The Mandaeans are an ethnoreligious group who follow Mandaeism, which is a Monotheistic religion. The…
All Mandaean rituals, ceremonies and prayers are conducted in Mandaic. Fresh flowing river water is a crucial element in Mandaeism. All rituals and ceremonies in Mandaeism require the use of fresh flowing river water, however a minor number of prayers do not. The main rituals that are conducted in the river are called, Masvetta (a ritual emersion in river water and the ceremony is conducted by the clergy), Rishama (ritual signing/anointing of parts of the body) and Tamasha (ritual emersion of the whole body).
Mandaean Youth Group
Mandaean Association Donation
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